Why I chose Programming

Garret Coffey
2 min readAug 20, 2021

There are many reasons people decide to make a life change. Common ones are if you are unhappy or just want to try something new. In my case it was the former. My desire for life improvements naturally lead to me to make a career change. Of course there are many different careers one can choose from but below are the reasons I chose to entire a programming field.

  1. The Challenge

I knew from my experience working in factories, production facilities, and customer service that I wanted something that was going to push my mind more. Simply doing the same thing day in and day no longer sufficed. So programming with its problem solving, almost puzzle building like nature, and its rapid advancement seemed like a good fit.

2. The Money

I won’t pretend I didn’t want a pay raise. The jobs I had done in the past always left me paycheck to paycheck and I definitely wanted something with extra cash to invest or play with. The naturally higher pay that comes with a job that requires some form of education was a clear incentive. If you also include society’s ever increasing reliance on computers which I expect to further increase demand and therefore pay of programmers seemed like a great fit if I don’t want to go for a doctorate.

3. Flexibility

With programming and web development (which was my field of study during learning) in particular, you can take your job just about anywhere. There aren’t many places in the world where your skills won’t be needed. Basically any city will have jobs for you and if you really want, the opportunities to work remote are much higher so if you have a little patience during job seeking you can take your work outside of a big city without much of a fuss.

4. I Just Like Computers

This is probably the biggest one. I have been what most people would call a nerd for most of my life. I like video games and cool apps. I like to think about what will be possible in the future. So joining the field that helps to shape the future of computers and technology was an easy choice.

